Portable Ultrasound Machines Are The Most Recent Advancement In Sonography

Ultrasound technology has been a critical part of modern-day science, allowing doctors to take precise and clear images of organs inside the body. These are used for a variety of reasons but can give us insight into the many complications we experience under our skin. At Integra Medical Systems, we are always on the lookout for these advancements, so our clients across the USA always have access to the best ultrasound equipment available. 


Have You Heard Of the Portable Ultrasound Machine?


Believe it or not, ultrasound technology is still seeing advancements to this day. Most recently, we’ve seen the boom of the portable ultrasound machine, which gives us the ability to use this technology anywhere!


Traditional equipment would require a bulky console unit that would typically remain in one spot — unless it was on a surface with wheels. These portable machines will resemble a laptop, making it much more efficient for in-home visits and moving throughout the office. 


As the popularity and usage continue to grow with the portable machine, the cost continues to decrease — much like we see with other electronic technology. What was once a significant investment for smaller clinics is now much more affordable due to the demand. 


Benefits Of Portable Ultrasound Equipment


When you utilize portable ultrasound technology in your clinic, you will open up a world of benefits that you, your employees, and your patients will all enjoy. Let’s take a look at some of the major advantages involved with a portable ultrasound machine. 


  • Portable machines allow any doctor to accurately diagnose patients no matter where they are, instead of using less-efficient tools when in a tight situation.
  • When you have a lot of patients that need ultrasounds at the same time, it can be tough to coordinate having the patients all directed to the same room. With portable equipment, you can take the machine with you.
  • Portable machines are often less expensive compared to a standard console unit
  • If your office handles in-home visits or emergency visits, having a portable device can help you do your job better when on the road.
  • Some ultrasound machines can be found as small as handheld devices.


While portable ultrasound technology is rather new in the science community, we can expect plenty more advancements to be made — not just with portable technology, but other applications and uses as well. 


Are You Looking For Quality Equipment?


At Integra Medical Systems, we offer a variety of different ultrasound machines for our customers. When it comes to portable technology, we have two different styles to choose from. 


The E-Cube i7 will be a hit for those that like the traditional feel but want that innovative design we all crave. It will most resemble a laptop in terms of size and can fit on top of a surface with wheels for easy use around the office. 


We also have the Minisono Ultrasound Tablet, which will resemble an iPad or any other tablet on the market. This will be for those clinics that want a modern look and feel in their office. 


Whichever style you’re looking for, we can help match you with the right one for your office. As advancements continue to be made with ultrasound equipment, your clinic needs to follow suit. If you need help finding quality equipment, Integra Medical Systems ships to customers throughout the USA. Don’t hesitate to contact us today for more information!