The Differences Between Electrocardiograms and Echocardiograms

Heart Ultrasound in Miami

The enormous technological advances reached in recent years have impulsed the medical field into taking giant leaps towards understanding and potentially overcoming critical diseases affecting the human condition. One of the most sought-after studies focuses on the heart, the muscular organ responsible for pumping blood throughout the body, and subject to countless diseases of critical repercussions. In Miami, Integra Medical Systems LLC has assembled a team of well-renowned professionals of different backgrounds and specialties but equally committed to empowering the development and distribution of several models of echocardiogram machine for a fully complete heart ultrasound.     


What Can You Expect from these Technological Advances?

The technological advances in the medical field have led to the development of innovative, light, compact, and portable systems for ultrasounds. 


The sharp imagery produced is enhanced by the use of advanced transducers, essential to obtain an incredible definition of the resulting ultrasound.    


As a doctor in Miami, the ergonomic design of the device will make you feel completely comfortable, manipulating the high-performance and versatile echocardiogram machine. As a patient, you will feel among good caring hands and cutting edge service.


 The high-end features of the machine promote the following benefits during an ultrasound:

  • More accurate readings and by default, a better diagnosis by the specialist.
  • Most in-depth scan of the human surface under study.


Additionally, the results can be shared with a more extensive range of applications. 


When Do You Need a Heart Ultrasound?

The ultrasound is a method that produces moving images of the organ under study. The images are captured by the echocardiogram device using high-frequency sound waves to recreate the structure of the body. 


When talking about matters of the heart, it’s highly important to avoid confusion between the terms echocardiogram and electrocardiogram (EKG). As was previously discussed, the first one relies on moving images to present information about the body, while the second one refers to the heart tracing method used to register the rhythm of the heart. To summarize, each has a different purpose.


Usually, a heart is submitted to an ultrasound test when the patient:

  • Experienced chest pain.
  • Suffered a heart attack.
  • Comes from a family with a history of heart disease.


What Information Can Be Obtained from an Ultrasound?

The ultrasound provides useful information about the shape of the heart, allowing the doctor to know if the overall structure and linking chambers and vessels are operating correctly, without defect or deformation.


The simple procedure is performed by a certified physician and doesn’t require any formal preparation, such as fasting or cleansing. From the result, the doctor can take proper action to mend a fault, if found.   


Thanks to the latest development in devices for echocardiogram studies, the ultrasound is most useful than ever in the medical field.


Contact Us

Visit us or call us in Miami. At Integra Medical Systems LLC, we will take grand pleasure in introducing you to our echocardiogram device for a heart ultrasound, as well as other models we have on display. Contact us now.